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We are delighted to share that we have taken up residency every Saturday at the delightful cafe and bar The Airedale at The Hogarth Healh Club in Chiswick.

We wil be serving a selcetd menu of Japanese Hot Food and classic sushi dishes. with weekly specials too. As a result of 25 years experience serving a London audience we have developed wonderful handful of suppiliers to rely on for the finest quality sustainably sourced fish, Japanese ingredients and seasonal vegetables.

The Airedale is a cosy bar with plenty of seating and a great outdoor covered seating area with individual heated pods to enjoy the Indian summer we are hoping for this autumn. Pre-orders and table reservation available on request from the Airedale. Open for non memebers too.

SushiSTØRE will be running its normal Saturday delivery service with an additonal collection option from the Airedale. Order here.
