Cooking at the Todoli Olive Harvest Lunch | Valencia 2019 | Photo Albertina Torres

Cooking at the Todoli Olive Harvest Lunch | Valencia 2019 | Photo Albertina Torres

 BIG things to come…..

STOR means BIG in Danish, STØRRE means bigger….

STØRE is not strictly grammatically correct, but a one STORE shop for something big with even bigger potential. STØRE is a collaboration of Husband and Wife team excelling in Japanese Inspired Catering for Pop UPs and Events. 2020 will for obvious reason be a quiet summer as we all observe Social Distancing. We are longing for cooking and sharing like most of our fellow chefs during this very challenging times. We are now working on launching a Saturday sushi service to satisfy your Sushi Cravings, we will GO LIVE Saturday the 27th of June and be available for the following 2 Saturdays in Acton, Chiswick, Sheperds Bush and Hammersmith. More details to follow SHORTLY.

Lots of LOVE and stay safe: David and Silla